
Learn About the Dental Implant Process

dental implant process

Sciota, Pennsylvania

Having a missing tooth can cause insecurity, compromise your other healthy teeth and compromise your ability to chew. For a permanent solution to tooth loss, Chestnuthill Dental offers dental implants. Considered the finest method of tooth replacement available, a dental implant fills in the gap of a missing tooth, and mimics the appearance and function of natural teeth. Choosing to receive an implant is a big decision; that’s why your implant dentists in Scotia want to take you through the entire dental implant process at Chestnuthill Dental.

What is a dental implant and how does it work?

A dental implant has three parts: the implant screw, a titanium post that is inserted into the jawbone; a crown that goes on top to complete the tooth replacement; and an abutment that connects the implant screw to the crown. First, the titanium post is inserted to replace the tooth root, which provides stability for the crown. Then, after about six months the implant has fused with the jawbone, the crown is ready to be installed. This crown is custom-made to match the appearance and shade of your other healthy teeth, then gets permanently attached to the implant post.

Is the dental implant process painful?

Many patients fear the pain that may come along with this process, but there is no need to worry! Before the procedure begins, one of our dentists administers an injection of local anesthetic to numb the target area. We also offer oral sedation for patients who might be especially fearful or anxious about the implant procedure.

After the implant is installed, some patients experience mild discomfort and swelling like any other procedure. Any pain and inflammation you experience typically can be managed by simple over-the-counter medications. If you experience severe pain, fever or facial swelling, contact your implant dentist in Scotia as soon as possible.

Recovery time

While every patient is different, the healing process from the implant surgery can take anywhere from three to six months. During the healing process it is important to follow all recommendations from your provider. It is also generally recommended to eat softer foods, avoid exertion, get proper rest, maintain regular oral hygiene, and attend follow-up visits at Chestnuthill Dental to ensure your mouth heals properly from this procedure. You also should abstain from smoking, as this can hinder the healing process and even lead to implant failure.

Dental implants in Scotia, Pennsylvania

Find out a reason why a dental implant is considered the elite method of tooth replacement available in restorative dentistry. Even if you’ve lost several teeth or even all your teeth, we can help by installing the All-on-4 implant system or providing implant-supported dentures.

Dr. Kenneth Chiusano and Dr. Mark Pugliese are proud to offer implant dentistry to our patients in Scotia, Pennsylvania, and the surrounding areas. If you’re interested in receiving a dental implant to replace your missing tooth, the first step is to schedule a consultation to determine if you are a good candidate for implants. Call (570) 402-4001 today or visit our website to schedule an appointment or consultation today.

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