
New Year, New Smile, New You

new smile

Sciota, Pennsylvania

A new year is a time to set new intentions for your life. The most common resolutions revolve around losing weight or maybe drinking less alcohol or more water or spending more time “disconnecting” with the world. But how about making a promise to yourself that will boost your self-confidence, which can lead to better relationships, advancements in your career and just a better overall mood throughout the coming year? Don’t you think it’s time to invest a little in yourself?

Our Sciota cosmetic dentists at Chestnuthill Dental have several ways to transform your smile — from whitening treatments to veneers — and that’s what we’re focusing on today.

Teeth whitening

This is one of the simplest, fastest, least invasive and most affordable ways to completely transform a smile. Over time, teeth will stain because of age or the foods and beverages we enjoy. Perhaps you’re a coffee, tea or wine drinker — or maybe all of the above! These beverages, along with dark sodas, are notorious for staining teeth over time. Berries, chocolate and tomato sauce can do the same. Talk to our Sciota cosmetic dental office about our take-home teeth whitening kits. You can dramatically brighten and whiten your teeth from the comfort of home.

Dental bonding

Dental bonding is becoming an increasingly popular cosmetic treatment because of its versatility and affordability. Dental bonding can address multiple cosmetic concerns, including small fractures, minor tooth crookedness, old/failing fillings, cavities, gaps between teeth, exposed tooth roots from receding gums and teeth that are misshapen, too short or discolored.

Bonding is flexible and color-adjustable to customize it to your individual smile. That means repaired teeth will match neighboring teeth in color, shape and size. Our cosmetic dentist in Sciota can usually complete a dental bonding treatment — from start to finish — in one appointment.


Whether you have one tooth that needs correcting or an entire mouth full, veneers may be an option of interest to you. Dental veneers are durable, wafer-thin shells that our dentists bond to the surface of a tooth that needs some sort of correction. With translucent properties, porcelain veneers are stain-resistant and non-invasive, and the results are incredibly natural.

Smile Makeovers in Sciota, PA

The new year is the most common time to start something new. Make a commitment to yourself to transform your smile with simple and affordable cosmetic procedures at our Chestnuthill Dental office. Call us at (570) 865-7929, or reach us online to schedule a consultation today.

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