
What are Veneers, and how can they Improve my Smile?

Sciota and East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania

An imperfect smile or one with uneven, damaged, or broken teeth can make you feel self-conscious. Sometimes, people can feel so embarrassed about their smile that they will avoid social gatherings or smiling around others. The good news is that cosmetic dentistry in Sciota can help restore your smile and help you feel confident whether you’re having dinner with friends or preparing for a job interview. If you have teeth that are gapped, misshapen, uneven, slightly crooked, or chipped, porcelain veneers may be the answer for you. Not only will you feel better about your smile, but you’ll also reap some oral health benefits.

What are veneers?

Veneers are custom-designed porcelain shells that fit over the front surface of the tooth being treated. The dentist permanently bonds veneers to your teeth. Additionally, the porcelain used to make the veneers is of the highest quality and can be chosen in a shade that either matches your surrounding teeth if you’re only getting one or two veneers or can be chosen in a brighter shade if your goal is to achieve an overall whiter appearance. Veneers should look incredibly natural and seamless once in place.

How can veneers improve my smile?

At Chestnuthill Dental, we have improved the smiles of countless patients thanks to the help of custom porcelain veneers.

Patients appreciate the following benefits of veneers:

  • Improved self-confidence – An improved smile can help boost your self-confidence. The better you feel about your smile, the better you feel overall. You will have the confidence to go on dates, attend social gatherings, or interview for a promotion.
  • Better first impressions – Studies show that a smile is the first thing that people notice when meeting others. Therefore, your smile leaves a lasting first impression when meeting others. And having an improved smile with veneers means making a better first impression no matter the social gathering.
  • Improved oral health – Veneers certainly improve the look of your smile but can also positively impact your oral health. For one, you’ll feel more likely to care for your teeth when they look good. And having straighter teeth are easier to brush and floss your teeth. Therefore, you’ll likely experience better oral health after cosmetic dentistry.

How are veneers made?

The process begins with a consultation to assess your oral health and discuss your smile goals. From there, we can help determine how many veneers you need and discuss a timeline and the financial aspect before starting any procedures. At your next appointment, we will begin prepping the teeth that will be treated. The dentist removes a little bit of enamel to roughen the tooth’s surface, which helps create a better bond. At Chestnuthill Dental, we have an in-office CEREC machine that makes custom porcelain restorations in our office. In some cases, we may make your veneer on-site, but for more extensive cases, we may take impressions and collect digital images and send them to a local lab to make your veneers. If your veneers are made on-site, the entire procedure will be completed in one visit. However, if using a dental lab, we split the treatment into two appointments. The first one is a prep appointment, and we will cover your teeth with temporary veneers for a couple of weeks until your permanent ones are ready. Then, you return for a second appointment, where the dentist permanently bonds the veneers.

Veneers in Sciota and East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania

If you’re looking for a solution to rejuvenate your smile, consider veneers in Sciota. You’ll feel more confident and reap the benefits of better oral health. If you would like to learn more about veneers or the procedure, contact Chestnuthill Dental by calling (570) 402-4001.

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