
Is a Crown or a Filling the Best Choice for Me?

crown or filling

Sciota, Pennsylvania

A filling and a crown represent two of the most popular treatments in the field of restorative dentistry. Both procedures have some significant things in common. They are used to treat areas of decay and restore the treated tooth back to a full, healthy state. How do you know whether a filling or a crown is right for you? Your restorative dentists in Sciota explore that topic in our latest blog article.

How do fillings and crowns compare?

Fillings are incredibly common. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that more than 90% of all Americans will have at least one filling at some point in their lives. Fillings are intended to repair small to intermediate areas of tooth decay. The placement of one of these restorations usually can be completed in one appointment. Chestnuthill Dental typically works with fillings that are made of a composite material or entirely of dental porcelain.

Crowns are more extensive restorations; a crown replaces the entire exterior of the tooth. This means a crown can save a tooth even in the event of major damage due to a large, extensive area of decay or a dental injury. Getting a crown in Sciota entails two appointments with your dentist: one to remove the damaged area of the tooth, capture digital images of the tooth and place a temporary restoration; and a second approximately two weeks later to receive your permanent crown.

When can I expect a filling?

Based on the CDC data, most of us will develop a cavity at some point in our lives even with diligent dental hygiene. If you are good about seeing your dentist every six months for a dental appointment that means any cavities are likely to be detected when they are still relatively small. Thus, these areas of decay should be able to be repaired with a filling. Whether you choose a composite or porcelain filling, your restoration is bonded directly to your tooth and matched to the shade of your other healthy teeth, allowing the filling to blend in with your smile.

When can I expect a crown?

Fillings are effective but limited. If the area of decay is too large, once it is removed, there may not be enough healthy remaining tooth structure to support a filling. In these situations, a crown is the better choice because it replaces the entire exterior with a new, strong dental restoration. All of our crowns are covered in dental porcelain. This is the same material used to make our porcelain fillings. It is also a durable and stain-resistant substance with a similar translucency to real tooth enamel.

Other treatment situations that call for a crown include:

  • To replace an older filling that has broken, cracked or fallen out completely
  • At the conclusion of a root canal
  • As the final step in a dental implant procedure

Restorative dentistry in Sciota, Pennsylvania

Ultimately, the decision about whether a crown or a filling is the better choice is made on a case-by-case basis. This is why, at Chestnuthill Dental, we like to schedule a consultation before any restorative procedure begins. Schedule a consultation today by calling (570) 402-7001 or contacting us online.

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