
Top Five Reasons to get a Dental Crown

dental crowns

Sciota Pennsylvania

Dental crowns are an excellent way to save a damaged or cracked tooth from needing to be extracted. You may have heard them referred to as caps because they are designed to fit snugly over the tooth, all the way to the gum line. Today on the blog, learn more about same-day crowns and how to tell if you might need one.

  1. Your tooth is cracked

Tooth enamel is the strongest substance in the human body, although it’s not indestructible. Teeth can crack or break when subject to additional pressure beyond normal chewing. Additionally, you could fracture or split a tooth that is already brittle or damaged by accidentally biting on something hard in your food, although this can also occur to a perfectly healthy tooth if you bite hard enough. People with bruxism (teeth clenching and grinding while sleeping) can also add an enormous amount of pressure to their teeth, subjecting them to cracking.

  1. An old filling fails, cracks, or falls out

Many adults have silver amalgam fillings, which were once the most common method of repairing cavities. However, years later, these fillings are found to crack teeth or fall out completely, leaving a large gaping hole in the tooth. In some cases, these old silver fillings begin leaking, allowing saliva and bacteria to enter the tooth and damage it from the inside out. If this happens to you, a dental crown may be the best solution to save your tooth.

  1. Your tooth is broken

A broken tooth almost always requires a dental crown, although the dentist will help you decide on the best treatment, depending on how much healthy tooth structure is still left. However, a slightly chipped tooth, like a front tooth, may easily be repaired with a more conservative treatment like dental bonding or a veneer.

  1. Your tooth has extensive decay

Cases of extensive decay may leave very little tooth structure to the point that a dental filling cannot bond to the tooth. Therefore, extensive decay may require a crown to prevent it from extraction. At Chestnuthill Dental, we recommend cleanings and exams every six months so that we can monitor any changes in your oral health, like identifying tooth decay in its earliest stages. But ignoring the problem could lead to needing a crown.

  1. You’ve recently had a root canal

Root canals are recommended when a tooth’s nerve is compromised by bacteria, usually due to a crack or extensive decay. The root canal procedure removes the tooth’s pulp, which makes the tooth brittle and subject to breaking if not covered with the proper restoration. Therefore, dental crowns are always recommended following a root canal.

Dental Crowns in Sciota and East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania

Deciding to get a dental crown is a big decision, and you’ll want to ensure you have all of the information that you need before beginning treatment. If you’d like to know more about dental crowns or find out if you need one, contact Chestnuthill Dental by calling (570) 402-4001 and schedule a consultation today.

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