
5 Easy Ways to Adjust to your New Dentures

Sciota and East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania

Experiencing tooth loss can affect your looks and overall health. In some cases, tooth loss is due to accidents, poor oral hygiene, or damaged teeth that never get repaired. While tooth loss can decrease your self-confidence, whether alone or around others, dentures can make a significant difference for you. Not only has this relied-upon tooth replacement option been in use for decades, but it restores your biting ability, provides support for your cheeks and lips, improves speech affected by significant tooth loss, and gives you back your smile. While all of this sounds good and well, there is an acclimation period when getting a new set of dentures, whether it is your first time or you get a new pair. But this transition doesn’t have to be challenging. Today on our newest blog, we share five easy ways to adjust to your new dentures.

  1. Be Patient

We always tell patients who get dentures for the first time to be patient with themselves as they adjust to wearing their replacement teeth. Dentures can be quite different from what you were used to, but we are confident that you will adjust with time. So, be patient! Denture wearers may struggle with eating certain foods, speaking clearly, or removing and cleaning their dentures. In some cases, the gum is tender because of previous tooth extractions that took place recently. Your gums will need time to heal. Whatever the battle, be patient.

  1. Practice Speaking at Home

New denture wearers often struggle to pronounce certain words or sounds properly. If you have this problem, we suggest that you practice talking about home or when you’re in a quiet place by yourself. You could read a magazine or book out loud or sing until you feel comfortable making those sounds that caused you to struggle initially. The more you speak privately, the more comfortable you will be speaking to others or in social gatherings.

  1. See the Dentist for Adjustments

Oftentimes, dentures require adjustments at first. This does not mean that your dentures weren’t made well or will never fit perfectly. It is entirely normal to need slight adjustments in the beginning. If you experience sore spots, don’t suffer. Call our Sciota dentist’s office to schedule an appointment for an adjustment.

  1. Maintain Oral Hygiene

Even if you no longer have any natural teeth, you still need to practice an oral hygiene routine daily. Brush your gums twice a day, and clean your dentures daily before bed. Ideally, give your gums a rest by soaking your dentures overnight. You should still see the dentist at least once a year to monitor changes in your jawbone health and check for gum disease or oral cancer.

  1. Choose Foods Wisely

At first, you may want to stick to easy-to-chew foods like pasta, smoothies, and soup until you adjust to wearing your dentures. As you feel comfortable, introduce other foods like steak and sandwiches. Eventually, you’ll be able to eat whatever you wish.

Dentures in Sciota and East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania

Getting dentures can be life-changing, although not everyone looks forward to this journey because there is certainly an adjustment period. If you would like to learn more about dentures, contact Chestnuthill Dental by calling (570) 402-4001. Be sure to ask about implant dentures if you would like an alternative to traditional dentures.

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