
There’s No Substitute for a Toothbrush and Dental Floss

toothbrush and dental floss

Sciota, Pennsylvania

With all the fancy, trendy gadgets on the market that claim to be the best, most effective tool for your dental health, we know that choices can sometimes feel overwhelming. We have good news for you that may help you simplify your oral hygiene routine a bit: When it comes to your oral health, nothing beats a good, old-fashioned toothbrush and floss. Our family dentist in Sciota is explaining today why the simplest, most classic tools are still the best for keeping your teeth and gums in optimal health.

The toothbrush

Ever wonder why the dentist sends you home after each appointment with a classic toothbrush, some toothpaste and floss? The answer is simple: It’s because these are the best, most effective tools to get the job done when it comes to your oral health.

Plaque and tartar buildup are the precursors to cavities, and your toothbrush is the first line of defense. The American Dental Association and our Sciota family dentist recommend brushing twice a day — once after breakfast and again before bed — for two minutes each time. Some people may elect to use an electric toothbrush, which is okay. But the key to a clean and healthy mouth is to brush consistently and gently, in circular motions, making sure to brush to the gumline.

We recommend a soft-bristled brush with fluoride toothpaste. It may seem that hard bristles offer a better clean, but if you’re an overzealous brusher, you could scratch the enamel of your teeth or irritate your gum tissue.


No matter how well we brush, we’re only reaching part of our teeth with a toothbrush. The rest lies between the teeth, where it’s practically inaccessible. This is where flossing becomes a necessary part of your oral hygiene routine.

Food particles that remain between the teeth attract bacteria that emit dangerous acids that lead to tooth decay. Flossing once a day, preferably before bed, will dislodge these particles and protect you from cavities and gum disease.

General dentistry in Sciota, PA

No matter the product on the market, nothing can replace the classic toothbrush and dental floss. If you’re curious about ways you can improve your oral hygiene practices at home, or to make an appointment for your twice-a-year checkup, call Chestnuthill Dental at (570) 865-7929, or reach out to us online today.

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