
Why is my Tooth Sensitive, and What Should I do About It?

tooth sensitivity

Sciota, Pennsylvania

Do you feel a zing of pain when eating something sweet or drinking something cold? Tooth sensitivity can be annoying and downright painful. Sometimes, it’s nothing to worry about and will pass, but sometimes there’s a deeper reason for tooth sensitivity that requires a dentist’s attention. Today, our general dentists at Chestnuthill Dental are taking a look at the various reasons your tooth may be sensitive and what can be done about it.

What is sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity is quite common and can happen at any age, but it’s most common in adults ages 20-40. Symptoms can range from a mild twinge of pain that comes and goes to a dull, lingering ache in the tooth. Tooth sensitivity occurs when the tooth’s nerve is exposed to stimuli and can be caused by thin tooth enamel, which is the outermost layer of the tooth, a cracked tooth, teeth whitening treatments or a cavity. Tooth enamel is durable and protects against varying degrees of temperature and biting pressure. If the enamel is thin and the under-layers of the tooth are exposed, then temperature changes, biting pressure and even sugar can cause the tooth to feel discomfort or pain.

What causes tooth sensitivity?

  • Thinning Enamel — Enamel naturally wears with age, but it can thin even quicker if a person has untreated temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder or Bruxism (the unconscious grinding or clenching of teeth, usually during sleep). Bruxism or a bad bite caused by TMJ can cause the enamel to flake off. Seeking treatment at our general dentistry office in Sciota for TMJ and/or Bruxism is a simple way to prevent thinning enamel caused by those two common dental issues.
  • Cracked or Damaged Tooth — Aged fillings, loose dental crowns or tooth fractures can cause tooth sensitivity. Some of these problems aren’t noticeable to the naked eye, which is one reason that regular dental exams are so important. Dental X-rays will detect these common dental problems that can cause tooth sensitivity. Our family dentists at Chestnuthill Dental can repair chipped, cracked, fractured or broken teeth to prevent sensitivity.

Gum disease

Gum disease affects almost half of all adults in the U.S. While preventable, if left untreated it can lead to gum recession, tooth sensitivity and eventually tooth loss. If you’re experiencing gum recession and tooth sensitivity, it could be the early stages of gum disease which can be diagnosed and treated by our dentist in Sciota.

Tooth Sensitivity in Sciota, PA

Tooth sensitivity isn’t comfortable, and our dentists at Chestnuthill Dental can easily find the root of the problem and discuss treatment options with you. Give us a call at (570) 865-7929, or reach out to us online today.

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