
Struggling to Lose Weight? Your Teeth could be the Problem

weight loss

Sciota, Pennsylvania

It may seem a little far-fetched at first, but believe it or not, if you’re having an impossible time shedding pounds even after improving your diet and exercise routine, the problem could be in your teeth and gums. Let’s look with our Sciota family dentist today at a few ways how:

Proper chewing and nutrition

A well-balanced diet includes a combination of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats. The mouth is the very beginning of the human digestive system; teeth chew food to break it down into small pieces to aid digestion and help the body absorb nutrients. People with gum disease, misaligned or missing teeth or other dental issues may not be able to chew their food properly. This can cause someone to limit their food choices to soft, processed foods, and it can cause the body to work harder to digest food, potentially leading to weight gain.

Tooth or jaw pain

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) — a disorder of the jaw joints, ligaments and muscles — is notorious for causing jaw pain. Additionally, tooth decay and missing teeth can cause pain and sensitivity in the mouth and teeth. These dental issues can cause people to avoid certain healthy foods like crisp, crunchy fruits and vegetables. Consequently, they may turn to softer, processed foods that are higher in calories and lower in nutrients, leading to weight gain or the inability to lose weight.

Inflammation caused by gum disease

Scientists have linked gingivitis and periodontal disease to serious health issues caused by systemic inflammation in the body. A body that is constantly fighting off inflammation is a body that is constantly under stress. This causes the body to produce cortisol, which is known as the stress hormone and contributes to weight gain, especially around the midsection.

Lose weight by improving dental health in Sciota, PA

If you think dental issues may be standing in the way of you losing weight, contact Chestnuthill Dental by calling (570) 865-7929 or reaching out to us online today.

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