
Jaw-Dropping Facts about TMJ Disorder


Sciota, Pennsylvania

If you experience jaw pain when chewing or talking, or maybe your jaw clicks or pops or you experience ringing in your ears, you could be among the approximately 10 million Americans who have temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ or TMD). Many people choose to suffer in silence simply because they’re unaware of the condition or how to address it. The great news is that our TMJ dentist in Sciota is trained to address the disorder by treating the root of the problem. Today, we’ve compiled five jaw-dropping facts about TMJ to help you decide if it may be time to call our office to discuss treatment options.

It can cause chronic headaches

Do you feel you have chronic headaches or migraines? Reaching for over-the-counter medications for pain relief can be a temporary fix, but chronic headaches — ones that keep coming back — need to be addressed on a deeper level. And it’s not uncommon for TMJ to be the culprit. Here’s why: TMJ disorder places an incredible amount of tension and stress on the jaw joint and muscles. Nerves in the jaw, face and head become compressed as inflammation develops and blood flow is restricted. An official diagnosis through a TMJ consultation in Sciota can determine if perhaps this disorder is the root cause of your headaches.

It can cause toothaches and dental pain

TMJ disorder is known to cause people to clench their jaws and grind their teeth, especially during sleep. This is called Bruxism, and when it occurs, it can send pain signals throughout your mouth that mimic tooth pain. If you have a toothache and your dentist cannot find decay, cracks or any other explanation for the dental pain, then you may have TMJ disorder.

It can cause ringing in the ears

The temporomandibular joints are like sliding hinges in front of a person’s ears. The ear canals, therefore, are located very close to the jaw joints. TMJ disorder can cause pain or a feeling of stuffiness in the ears, and it can also cause stubborn tinnitus (or ringing in the ear) that won’t let up.

It is linked to stress and anxiety

While no one cause has been identified as causing TMJ disorder, anxiety and stress can certainly contribute to the show of symptoms. If you live a healthy lifestyle and start having unexpected jaw pain, consider if perhaps you’ve been under more stress than normal recently. Bruxism also goes hand-in-hand with TMD because many people who are feeling stressed or anxious grit and grind their teeth.

It can be treated

TMJ disorder can usually be treated in a non-invasive way. While severe cases of the disorder may benefit from surgical intervention if/when more conservative measures have failed, our TMJ dentist in Sciota offers oral appliance therapy to our patients with mild or moderate cases of TMJ disorder. An oral appliance stabilizes the bite so that it rests comfortably and relieves inflammation and pain from the jaw joint. Over time, most TMJ symptoms should subside by simply wearing the comfortable oral appliance while sleeping.

TMJ Treatment in Sciota, PA

TMJ disorder creates discomfort and can impact your ability to eat and speak. No need to suffer any longer. We can help. Give us a call at Chestnuthill Dental at (570) 865-7929, or reach us online today.

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