

root canal isn't scary
General Dentistry

A Root Canal isn’t as Scary as you May Think

Sciota, Pennsylvania Root canal: It’s a two-word phrase that may send shivers down your spine. In the past, undergoing a root canal was an intensive

worst foods for teeth
General Dentistry

The Worst Foods for your Dental Health

Sciota, Pennsylvania Like brushing and flossing, diet plays a key role in the health of your teeth and gums. Some foods and beverages can, unfortunately,

tooth sensitivity
General Dentistry

What’s Causing My Tooth Sensitivity?

Sciota, Pennsylvania You’re sipping on your coffee or sitting down with a bowl of your favorite flavor of ice cream and then it happens –

dental filling
General Dentistry

Signs you need a Dental Filling

Sciota, Pennsylvania Usually, our mouths won’t hesitate much to let us know if we have the onset of tooth decay. That infamous jolt of pain

Dental x-ray
General Dentistry

Why does my Dentist take X-rays?

Sciota, Pennsylvania You head to the dentist for one of your regularly scheduled checkups. Before your cleaning begins, though, the technician asks you to sit

dental questions
General Dentistry

5 Questions to Ask at Your Next Dental Checkup

Sciota, Pennsylvania Coming prepared with questions for each dental checkup at Chestnuthill Dental will guarantee you get the most out of your appointment. Maybe you’re

call emergency dentist
General Dentistry

3 Times you Should Call an Emergency Dentist

Sciota, Pennsylvania An after-hours dental emergency is something no one wants to think about, but, unfortunately, accidents are a part of life, and it’s always

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