


Jaw-Dropping Facts about TMJ Disorder

Sciota, Pennsylvania If you experience jaw pain when chewing or talking, or maybe your jaw clicks or pops or you experience ringing in your ears,

new smile
Cosmetic Dentistry

New Year, New Smile, New You

Sciota, Pennsylvania A new year is a time to set new intentions for your life. The most common resolutions revolve around losing weight or maybe

invisalign results

How Quickly can I get Results with Invisalign?

Sciota, Pennsylvania No matter what your age, having crooked, misaligned or gapped teeth can cause a great deal of insecurity. Unfortunately, having wire braces to

cosmetic dental procedures
Cosmetic Dentistry

Common Cosmetic Dental Procedures

Sciota, Pennsylvania If you’re self-conscious about some aspect of your smile, it can lead to insecurity and diminish your self-confidence. Chesnuthill Dental understands these types

reshape teeth
Cosmetic Dentistry

3 Ways to Reshape your Teeth Without Braces

Sciota, Pennsylvania Crooked or crowded teeth — or teeth with gaps between them — can be embarrassing and make us ashamed of our smiles. When

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